Friday, August 31, 2007



Anonymous said...

Real witches are able to sing! Ha. Wicca is bullshit, a controlled and wholly government-loved religion based around nothing. The Wiccans should spend more time on researching ancient religions than they do on their stupid meetings and apparently, eating.

Rhihannon said...

To Anonymous:

Oh please. Wicca is the oldest religion. The government doesn't support it, and Christianity is actually based on it. Looks like you're the one who should be doing the research.

Kveld-Ulfr said...

Wicca isn't the oldest religion. That's retarded. That's monumentally retarded. I feel retarded for having read that.

If you think there was enough organization and consistency to believe that there could ever have possibly been a unified polytheistic religion in the ancient or post-Roman eras, then you are one of among the most batshit insane, ignorant, unentitled-self-importance mongering twats this world has been unfortunate enough to spawn.

You want to learn real stuff? Go read the Eddas, the Havamal, the sagas. Go learn something real instead of pulling things out your arse.

Nothing that infuriates a historian more than self-proclaimed masters of historical things that never existed.

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